Sep 29, 2020 | by Budi Tanrim
Methods are tools
Methods are tools product designers can use.
Take a real-life example; you have a hammer, a knife, and a scissor. You will use those tools in a different context, and you can’t say a hammer is better than a knife. It depends on what you want to achieve.
If you want to cut meat, you might want to consider using a knife. But scissors can help you cut the meat too, but less effective and take more effort.
The same goes for methods.
If you want to align on what user problem your team should be solving, there are a few methods. To name a few: user interview, impact-effort, customer journey, or needs statement.
Each can help you, but differently.
A strong product designer shall not fall in love with a hammer and not learn how to use a knife, metaphorically.
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