Feb 02, 2022 | by Budi Tanrim
Fixated on the solution too soon
It’s problematic when the leadership is obsessed with a specific solution.
The team then can do so little. Perhaps the team seeks to set an experiment to validate the solution. If the experiment disproved the hypothesis, the team might say, “This doesn’t work.” The leader might ask, “What should we do then?”
With the time ticking and the pressure, the leader might as well keep pushing, “Let’s just try to build this on production and see what happens.” The argument might be because the experiment was not projecting reality.
Then, the team has no choice.
The alternative? When the leader wants your team to build a specific solution, ask for context. Ask them what problem is this solution trying to solve. This problem should be your anchor. Yes, you can go out and validate the answer, but your priority should focus on whether we’re solving the right problem.
Suppose the leader can’t articulate the problem. Ask for the objective, “If this solution is successful, what is the outcome?” For example, the leader might explain how we need to double the active users. Then, if the experiment disproved the hypothesis, now you can explore other opportunities to target the objective.
When the experiment disproved the hypothesis, the leader asked, “What should we do then?” You should have a better answer, “Turned out, the real problem for the users are…” or you can say, “Yes, this solution doesn’t work, but we might have another idea to achieve objective X.”
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