Jan 05, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
My blog in 2021
First of all. Thank you!
I have received tremendous support and feedback throughout 2020. I’m glad my writings resonate with many of you. My mailing list has been growing from 0 to 800+. So, thank you for keeping me going.
As I plan to continue writing on my blog, here’s what you can expect:
For the topic, you can expect 1) design leadership, 2) business design and 3) my learnings. I’m not saying you will only see those three topics, but they will be my main focus.
I also hope to see more questions come from you. If I can, I’ll answer it on the blog (with your permission). I think this is a valuable interaction to keep my blog relevant for you. To ask question, you can visit the blog and press the appropriate button on the posting page.
Potentially, I will share a short case study in the story format to add more texture to my blog.
I will keep my writing concise.
P.S. I’m writing a book. The target audience for this book are students and first-timer product designers. Stay tuned for more information about that. If you consider yourself a great editor or know someone, please let me know.
Hi, this blog is no longer active. I move to substack. You can subscribe below or go to newsletter.buditanrim.co