Apr 12, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
My reflection on leadership
Is it your time to lead?
When you selected to take up a leadership role. It’s time to step up. You will start doing new things that will be uncomfortable. I write my reflection on the leadership topic to share my thoughts for you who take up a new responsibility as a leader.
Throughout this week, let’s discuss:
- Lead with context
- Lead with trust
- Lead with humility
- Lead with respect
- Lead with integrity
First, I want to talk about mission.
The leader should understand the mission her team is pursuing. As a leader, you’re leading a group of people to accomplish a certain mission. Whether to reduce the carbon emission on the planet earth. Or to make personal computers accessible to every individual. In the business context, this will be your company’s mission.
Whatever that mission is, it is an attempt to make a change. From A to B:
- From high carbon emission that hurt our planet to zero carbon emission.
- From a computer that is not accessible to make it accessible.
Mission describes the future desired state. A leader empower people to accomplish that. You lead people to make a change—from existing state to future state.
If you selected as a designated leadership role. Here’s the first question for you: What positive change are you and your team seek to make?
Let’s discuss on each of the principles I mentioned above throughout this week!
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