Apr 21, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Why do you work?
Researchers, product managers, designers, content strategists, or whatever your title is.
Stop whatever you do for a moment. And ask yourself: Why do I work?
As a practitioner, you are taking a journey in your life. While the journey is often uncertain and puzzling, you have to persevere. To persevere, you have to understand why do you want to take this journey in the first place. Otherwise, you will astray.
Is it because the profession provide prestige? Is it provide a good amount of payment? Is it because it enables you to contribute back to the community? Be clear about it. Then ask yourself, is that meaningful for something that spends 1/3 of your life? This should be your moral compass.
We used to ask a lot of questions when we were a toddler. One study observed toddlers ask 26 questions per hour—this drops into 2 questions per hour. The education system hushes this curiosity that we innate. It’s time for you to be more curious.
Curiosity leads to critical thinking.
As a starting point, simply stop and ask questions for yourself.
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