May 07, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Good decision
How could we make a good decision?
Do we need a high IQ in order to be a good decision maker?
Study shows that people with high IQ are more likely to have financial distress (Bruine de Bruin, 2016). Other studies from Kanazawara’s group suggested that high IQ people don’t make better decisions. They are more likely to consume illegal drugs.
In short: a high IQ doesn’t make you a better decision-maker.
Making better decisions starts from our day-to-day life. It’s when you argue with your friend or partner, can you consider their viewpoint? Like Socrates, who look an issue from different perspective to avoid confirmation bias.
Sometimes, it requires intensive consideration—like Benjamin Franklin. He spent days considering the pros and cons of the complex social issue.
Also, it requires a curiosity—like Richard Feynman. He tinkered the battery, electric circuit, and various items on his garage laboratory since a kid.
It requires humility to avoid overconfidence like Steve Jobs and his cancer.
Consider opposite viewpoints, slow thinking curiousity humility—these are a few things that we should practice in our daily life. That way, perhaps we can be wiser. Then one day, your wise decision would impact thousands or millions of life.
P.S. Sorry I missed the newsletter this week. I need to pace myself to avoid burnout. Joining a new team, gaining the context, and working on a wicked problem is pretty overwhelming. I will be more prepared for my next week’s newsletter :)
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