Apr 20, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
The Steve Jobs' Error
Steve Job.
You probably associate him with the word like “genius.”
Still, genius is human. Human has biases and makes bad decisions.
Job’s intelligence and creativity sometimes created a skewed perception of the world. According to Walter Isaacson’s official biography, people described a “reality distortion field.” Steve Jobs has a charismatic rhetorical style and eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand.
After he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. He ignored his doctor’s advice. He convinced himself that his cancer was something he could cure himself. He started to opt-in for herbal remedies, spiritual healing, and a strict fruit juice diet. By the time he finally underwent surgery, his cancer had progressed too far to be treatable.
Some doctors believe Jobs may still have been alive today if he had followed medical advice.
His intelligence helped Apple break through various innovations. His intelligence perhaps is also dangerously backfired.
Humility is essential.
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