Jun 17, 2020 | by Budi Tanrim
A simple exercise for career reflection
Sometimes, we need to take a pause and reflect to grow
Q: “Hi Budi, I want to keep growing, but sometimes I don’t know what to grow. Do you have tips for this?”
Take a pause
To take a pause and reflect is as important as making an action. Being too busy make us forget to navigate on what to grow. Here is a reflection question I use to making sense of my current role:
- As a (your role), I see myself to (responsibility A, B, and C)
- I need to (do responsibility) because (__). To achieve this, I need to do (tactic).
- Currently, I’m not great at (things to improve)
- Next, I want to (experiment to improve)
Navigate from where you are
The goal of this exercise is to understand where you currently stand in your career. From here, we can build a self-development plan. You can do this alone or talk to someone you trust. If you’re a manager, you can use this to think together about what to grow next.
It’s always good to do this from time to time, here is an example from my recent exercise:
As a lead, I see myself to empower team, make space, and remove blockers. I need to make space to give enough creative space and let them decide on the details. To achieve this, I have to align on the outcome and let them figure out the approach. I need to (other responsibility)… Currently, I can be better at setting up expectation. Next, I need communicate clearer expectation as early as possible in the project.
I hope this helps. Thanks for your question! To ask questions, ask me on Twitter or send me an email!
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