Dec 30, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Find what excites you
As we are closing the 2021 chapter, consider finding what excites you. There are a lot of studies that suggest that if you’re interested in a topic, you’re more likely to engage and explore it further.
Some people get excited to improve their weaknesses. Some prefer to double down at their strengths. Find what works for you.
When we start to learn, we normally don’t know what we don’t know. So, it’s hard to build a clear roadmap. Here’s an approach that I like to do: 1) Prepare a dedicated note, 2) Choose a topic, 3) List down the concepts, 4) List down any questions as you learn, and 5) Work on a small project.
First, choose a topic, like decision-making, painting, or building a calendar mobile app. Don’t get too hung up with the details, just keywords representing the topic you like.
But, that’s not enough.
Then, list down any concepts you can find around the topic. This can be a bullet list filled with concepts you need to understand in order to master that topic. For example, if I pick painting as the topic I’d like to learn, the concept could be: lighting, color, perspective… You get the idea.
As you progress in your learning, you’ll be confused. Try to frame that into a question and list it down on the note. Prioritize the questions and tackle them slowly as you go.
But knowing is different than doing. The point of learning is gaining new knowledge and being able to do something with it. Consider to work on a small project, so you can apply what you’ve learned.
So, what excites you?
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