Jul 29, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Asking questions
In one of the study by Susan Engel, she pointed out that toddlers may ask up to twenty-six questions per hour at home but drastically drops to just two questions per hour at school.
In one of her observations, Engel saw one boy politely raise his hand after fifteen minutes of non-stop lecture. “I can’t answer questions right now,” the teacher replied.
As we grow up, we learn how to read and how to write. But we become less proficient in asking questions. Without the ability to ask the right question, we wouldn’t be able to solve the right problem in the first place effectively.
In one of the articles in the New York Times, they asked the college presidents what the student should get out of college? Leon Botstein, the President of Bard College, generously pointed out, “…know how to frame a question.”
But before we can frame a question, we need to ask questions first. Whenever you face a situation, try this:
- Write as many questions as you can
- Do not stop to judge any question
P.S. I’ll be slowing down in writing to use the time for organizing my notes.
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