Jun 30, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Incomplete reality
No pair of eyes can see everything in the world.
No pair of ears can hear everything in the world.
No pair of hands can touch everything in the world.
One mind cannot possibly comprehend everything there is to know.
We’re all grasp pieces of reality through our life. Our brain also chooses what to pay attention to—prevent us from seeing the whole reality. Then, we shape our beliefs. But, we often confuse our beliefs with reality.
As a result, when we encounter people with a different opinions, we become frustrated. How could he not understand such an obvious thing? But that disagreement could be a healthy process if both parties know that they both have blindspots—they only see a small piece of the reality.
The most significant moment is when both parties can be open-minded and always willing to reassess their thinking.
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