Apr 14, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Lead with respect
I’ve worked with different kinds of people, from a egomaniac to a yes-man.
When I first step into the leadership role. I began to work with a few other leaders in the company. They each have their own unique experience, character, and tone.
One day, when a team presented their work. One of the leaders gave a very aggressive feedback, “This is simply stupid work.” Needless to say, the feedback upset people on that team. When the leaders throw a disrespectful word like “stupid.” It’s pure arrogance. The leaders look down on their subordinates.
Arrogance break trust. People will disrespect arrogant leaders. More importantly, it ruins the culture.
Sometimes, I also forget how perceptive subordinates are. Subordinates notice everything. They watch everything very closely. I can say this because I was in that position. I watched the bosses, and every word they said to me means a lot.
While this may seem obvious. I’ve seen countless events when leaders are being disrespectful. Some blame their team for not doing the good work. I’m embarrassed to admit there were times I was frustrated and sent out feedback that came across wrongly.
I hope I can always remind myself about this. And in the future, when someone being disrespectful, I hope I have enough courage to call that out to protect the culture. Lastly, if you are in a leadership position, I hope you lead with respect.
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