Mar 05, 2021 | by Budi Tanrim
Product design leadership — Persevere
There will be a bad day and a good day.
It’s up and down. It’s a roller coaster process to make a change.
Sometimes things are going in the right direction. Sometimes, you feel like all the effort you’ve made doesn’t work.
You can’t complain. I mean, you can express the frustration to some people you trust—for your mental health. But not complain in public or to your team. You definitely can’t blame them. I’ve seen leaders blame their team. It’s not useful.
You persevere instead. That’s why you need a vision. You need to know where you’re going. More importantly, why you want to get there? What’s in it for the users? It’s what keeps you move forward. You stick with the end goal but be gentle with the process to get there.
You won’t get it right for the first time. That’s why you need a focus, so you can keep iterate on it. Never feel like your work goes out the window. Nothing is, even if you’re making mistakes. It’s part of the process.
You persevere and keep looking for different ways to achieve your vision.
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