Jan 31, 2022 | by Budi Tanrim
Good product designers vs. Great product designers
What makes a great product designer great?
Good designers empathize with users and understand customers’ needs. Great designers are also aware of the competition. They push the team to continuously look for the differentiator.
Good designers inform and share their work with the team. Great designers do more than that. They invite the team member into their process. They co-design together with a multidisciplinary team.
Good designers are excited about Design Thinking or any particular method. Great designers understand there is no one-size-fits-all approach for problem-solving. Great designers take the gist of each method and adapt to the most appropriate approach depending on the context.
Good designers focus on the problem first, not jumping to the solution too soon. Great designers help the team to articulate what’s the desired outcome. Then, they work backward from the outcome and their decision is connected with the desired outcome.
Good designers are keen to do usability testing. Good designers ensure the interaction and flow is usable. Great designers observe and pick up the subtle improvement opportunity. They create a usable product, but also a delightful one—while considering the constraint.
Read other 15 traits of great designers in my Twitter thread.
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